How to Write a Clear

Your ​résumé is a paper plane, one amongst many flying in the same direction, all aimed at a single opportunity, each carrying the aspirations and message of its maker.

But some have been prepared with greater care and attention to detail than others. Bold and arresting, their flight path is more dynamic, their presentation bolder, brighter. The best ones carry a cargo that few can match when written well: a career objective.

A career objective statement is perhaps the most important element of your entire curriculum vitae, since it sets the stage for the material that follows. Its function is to offer a rationale for the submission of your CV to the target recipient, clearly defining the job you wish to secure while

also highlighting the key qualities that make you ideal to attain it. 

If your curriculum vitae fails to start with a career objective, the reader may well infer that you either:

a. do not know what work you want; or
b. lack the initiative and/or articulateness to get your objective across.

Just as in the case of cover letters, there is no quick fix solution to creating a compelling career objective. But the following hints and tips should help you soar far beyond the competition, preventing your metaphorical paper plane from being grounded in the waste paper basket. Let's compare two sample career objective statements to see what we can learn from them.

Convince the recruiter you are the ideal applicant: ensure your career objective is bolstered by the content of your ​résumé, and vice-versa.

We've established that a career objective, as it pertains to your curriculum vitae, is a statement of purpose which pinpoints a specific job within a particular industry. If you require some sample objectives, then you've come to the right place; there are several such statements in this guide. Here is the first of them, formulated by naming, in a single sentence, the profession that is being actively sought by the candidate:

'To work in the field of human resources.'

As a first draft, this career objective is merely partly successful. While it states the industry sector the author is interested in, it omits the specific position being sought. Worse still, it offers no clue as to why the candidate might be suitable to work in human resources. A second draft is definitely in order:

'To apply over seven years' experience in human resource management, and a masters degree in business administration, to a HR position in the financial services sector.'

Much better. This latter draft embeds six core data point in just a single sentence.

If a crash course in career objectives is all you really wanted, then congratulations: you have graduated. But if higher learning is more your style, and you'd like a master class in crafting a strikingly effective, interview-winning career objective statement for your curriculum vitae or résumé, then scroll down for lesson one, a step-by-step walkthrough of everything you'll need to write a evocative opening statement.