Your ​résumé is a story. You are the protagonist. The job you're applying for is your purpose, your destiny. To fulfil it, you'll need to become a master storysmith.


Write well. Right now.


Immediacy. Originality. Relevancy. Consistency. These are the hallmarks of an extraordinary CV. 

How do you create an incredible curriculum vitae? How do you tell the story of your life? It's a complex and challenging task, requiring patience, panache, and painstaking attention to detail. Our ​Résumé Masterclass will teach you to write like we do, emphasizing your assets and minimizing your deficits, ensuring that your job application sails through the initial screening stage and straight into the hands of the people whose attention will lead you to that all-important interview.


Your ​résumé must capture the recipient's attention in a matter of only 6 seconds. Tough, yes, but we'll teach you the secret to sparking interest in just two lines.


Employers hate ​cliché. It's a bore to read and tells them nothing about you. Your CV should comprise of original content only, freed of filler. Your text must dazzle.


You must see your ​résumé from the employer's point of view, focusing on their needs, not your own. We'll help you switch perspective and write with concision.


A clear start. A clean finish. An engaging and impactful mid-section. Structure and styling go hand in hand, so layout and typography are key to tying it all together.

'The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.'

—John Chapman, 1845.

Every hero has an origin story, a narrative describing their transformation from human to superhuman. As the hero of your CV, your story arc must follow theirs, powerfully demonstrating how everything you’ve ever done in terms of education and work experience leads up to this moment, this appointment, this company, this ​document. Singular's résumé masterclass distils 8 years of hands-on research and development into a suite of best-practice CV writing skills you can utilize instantly.

Showcase Your Superpowers.

SINGULAR curricula vitae all feature a clear narrative arc: a beginning, middle, and end. Yours must master this, too.

The beginning introduces you as the hero of your narrative using the career objective, personal profile, and major achievement segments.

The career objective must state your target job while your personal profile demonstrates your unique suitability to attain it. An achievements section builds on this killer cold open, offering a tantalizing preview of what's to come in your currciulum vitae, spurring continued reading.

The middle is an action-packed retelling of your education and work experience, stripped of all information immaterial to the target job.

High quality content is king here; the more you supply, the more substantive your ​résumé will seem. You must write dynamic and descriptive sentences packed with salient details. There is no room for filler text; every word must find its mark. A compelling layout is also essential.


The end should offer a satisfying conclusion that leaves a lasting positive impression on the potential employer, sufficient to call you back.

Singular has pioneered a striking alternative to the outdated and irrelevant hobbies overview: We call it the Salient Qualities Summary™. This is the ideal showcase for supplementary abilities and personal characteristics that will grant you a decisive edge over competing candidates.


Functional? Chronological? Combination? We'll teach you to choose the correct format for your ​résumé.

STRENGTHS assessment

Who are you, really? What strengths and skills do you offer? Our masterclass can uncover your key abilities.


How do you fit everything you've done, all you have achieved, into two pages? We help you keep it brief.

LANGUAGE selection

What distinguishes great CVs from mediocre ones? Incredible prose. We'll gift you our tools of the trade.


What goes where? Should you include a photo? What about infographics? We'll show you how it's done.

humanity & lyricism

Many résumés are sinfully boring, devoid of passion. Some are hyperbolic. Our course will balance yours.

'Human beings make sense of the world through fables, so it makes sense for us to capitalise on that by using storytelling techniques to our advantage.'
—Drew Douglas, CEO.

Your CV is a crucial document, your first point of contact with a potential employer. Our Résumé Masterclass guarantees you don't clash swords.

What sets you apart from competing job candidates? What do you have to offer that they lack? How might you market yourself in a manner that is both appealing and intriguing?

Singular's 2-hour live online class, limited to 6 attendees per session, covers all the essentials necessary to create a powerful curriculum vitae that demonstrates your unique appropriateness for the work you want to target, making plain your utility as a strategic corporate asset.

The training portion of the programme is followed by a 30-minute question and answer session to address issues specific to your ​own personal résumé. All participants are provided with a detailed handout covering the key points presented during the class for easy reference and review..

Singular Checkout  
Résumé Masterclass
2-hour live online class teaching you how to write a curriculum vitae that demonstrates your core skillset.
Interview Boot Camp
3-day online interview boot camp to prepare you for the toughest questioning, the most punishing interlocuters.