Conducted over 3 days, either consecutively or weekly, our behavioral interview boot camp will ready you for the toughest questioning, the most punishing interlocuters. Prepare to become invincible.
From meandering or clipped responses, awkward pauses, visual tics and tells, a limp or aggressive speaking style, we will identify your weaknesses with surgical precision during a grueling mock interview.
The second session changes focus, switching to a relaxed consult format where we will share our findings and advise you on the optimal means to correct any shortcomings that came to light at the interview.
Armed with our observations and suggestions, you will now repeat the initial interview, this time with fresh obstacles added, testing your ability to surmount challenges old and new with polish and panache.
Success at interview is determined not merely by what you do on the day, but also by the steps you take beforehand. The first of these entails conducting an intensive assessment of the firm's ethos and culture. We'll show you just how.
It's not enough to merely research the target company; you must also obtain a good grasp of the person (or people) who will be interviewing you. This step will give you a strategic advantage over applicants who enter the process cold.
The quickest way to learn something is through deliberate practice. We throw you in at the deep end on Day One, teach you to keep your head above water on Day Two, and have you doing laps around the toughest questions by Day Three.